
Tuesday, June 16

Nepotism, Bullyism & Depression

From kid to adult, i grow up remembering all these words i was called/told :

1) Charcoal
2) Cow
3) Indian who wannabe international
4) Hey, you look good, if you lose weight, you will look better or can act in movies
5) You sing like a frog, let me sing it for you/put some make up while doing videos. You look plain and pale
6) Fat pig
7) All these guys surrounding her, she is a slut
8) Watch where you are, you dont belong here
9) You are an average girl, so it is best to marry a widow
10) Dont you think you need to sweat more to lose that weight?
11) Which shop are you buying the grains/rice? I wanna gain weight like you
12) I cant be heavy or be with/like you, my reputation will ruin
13) How much kilo are your breast?
14) Everyone talks about you, so you the one. I am not seeing anything special about you (grin)
15) If i give this role/job to you, the "others" will question me
16) You need to put triple time effort because you are from that race
17) We cant be friend with you because you are an Indian/brown/dark
18) Even though your profile/efforts seems to be impressive, we cant hire or promote you because the superior wants to hire someone they know
19) You want to be celebrity, have you seen yourself in the mirror lately?
20) Why do you look different from other siblings? Cant you be slim and fair like your sister?
21) The list goes on...

Amazingly, all these people are from family, friends, colleagues, closed one and idols who you think they will lift you to soar the sky, groom you to be positive & fight the devils in the world.
Many times i was not invited for parties, reunion, weddings etc due to same reason Sushant felt he was been character assassinated and and isolated. It hurts in the beginning but i started to adapt with the culture and doesn't impose the same mentality like these people.
I am a self made person who still fighting depression, bully-ism and gas lighting. I know depression is not easy to fight.

One moment you are watching a pregnant elephant died of cruelty, you feel helpless about it. The next moment you wanted to take your life because you think you are worthless. It is easy to say talk to your loved one or professionals but the battle is yours.
Depression doesn't have face. You can be Hitler, Mother Theressa, a cat or a tree and it will hit your soul like falling meteors.
You are your best friend. Talk how you want to explore the world. Put the misery end by moulding people to be kind. How do you want to make the world as a better place. How do you want to create awareness by telling your stories.

That matters.